(919) 872-3171

Patient Education

How do I know if I have carpal tunnel syndrome?

Common carpal tunnel symptoms include: tingling or “pins and needles” in fingertips night pain in hand, waking up from sleep numbness in thumb, index and middle fingers hand weakness In most cases, the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome is based on symptoms, medical history, and physical examination. A steroid injection into the carpal tunnel (cortisone […]

Thumb Arthritis Surgery

Thumb arthritis is a common cause of thumb pain. At the base of the thumb is a special joint called the carpo-meta-carpal (CMC) joint. The thumb CMC gives our thumbs a wide range of thumb motion. The ability to touch the thumb to the small finger is called “opposition.” This function makes human hands special. […]

Lumps, Bumps, and Cysts in the Hand

Tumors of the hand and upper extremity are surprisingly common. They can occur in people of all ages — from children to the elderly. Fortunately, the vast majority of these tumors are benign, NOT cancerous. Nevertheless, every tumor should be carefully evaluated. Benign tumors which do not cause pain, dysfunction, or problems do not require […]

Trigger Finger Treatment in Raleigh NC

Trigger finger is a condition affecting any of the fingers or thumb in the hand — not just the index finger. Symptoms occur when there is catching between the flexor tendons of the hand and the sheath which surrounds the tendons. Instead of gliding smoothly through the sheath, the tendons can meet resistance within the […]

Gout: Disease of the Kings

Gout is a common type of inflammatory arthritis typically presenting with a red, hot, swollen, extremely painful joint. Gout frequently affects joints in the big toe, ankle or knee but can happen elsewhere. Gout can also involve the fingers, wrist and elbow. A “gout attack” usually starts suddenly and the pain increases rapidly.  Because of […]

Treatment of Snake Bite Injuries to the Hand in North Carolina

Most snakes in North Carolina are non-venomous. These snakes are not dangerous to humans. The two families of venomous snakes in North Carolina include the Viperidea and Elapidae families. The Copperhead, Cottonmouth (often called “water moccasins”), Eastern Diamondback, and Timber Rattlesnake are examples of pit vipers in the Viperidea Family. Pit Vipers make up approximately […]

Numbness and tingling in hands at night? It could be carpal tunnel

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common nerve problem in the arm. It results from increased pressure on the median nerve at the wrist, within the carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a type of “pinched nerve.” The symptoms are usually worse at night and can wake patients up from sleep. The word “carpus” is […]

Mommy’s Wrist Pain

DeQuervain’s tendonitis is a common tendinopathy causing function-limiting pain on the radial aspect of the wrist involving the extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) and abductor pollicis longus (APL) tendons of the thumb. The condition receives its eponym from the Swiss physician Fritz DeQuervain who described several cases of “washerwoman’s sprain” in the late-1800s. The condition has […]